
Supplements and Your Heart

Assortment of supplements in pile Many Americans suffer from deficiencies in common vitamins and minerals. For example, as we spend more time indoors, vitamin D deficiency has reached significant proportions. About 50% of Americans have a vitamin D insufficiency, and about 35% have a vitamin D deficiency. And as our diets have worsened, many find themselves lacking in other essential nutrients. Many studies have been designed to prove the link between vitamin supplementation and heart health. While some studies have shown a correlation, others do not, with some even showing an adverse effect of certain supplements on heart health. So, how do we cut through the marketing and decide which supplements are appropriate?

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The Omega-3 Index – A Useful Cardiovascular Test?

Omega - 3 supplements in bowl and on table

When we evaluate cardiovascular risk in our patients, we typically use several tried-and-true metrics, all revolving around the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Through decades of research, we have homed in on several vital markers that help us develop proper screening protocols for our patients, which hopefully catch heart disease, if it should occur, at its earliest stages. An appropriate screening regimen can Improve our patients’ quality of life and often avoid or at least delay invasive cardiovascular procedures.

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Does Supplementation Improve Your Heart Health?

Variety of supplements in a pillbox as cardiologists at Nevada Cardiology break down what supplements to consider for heart health

We are consistently inundated with advertising and information about improving our general health. It’s no wonder, therefore, that most patients are confused as to what works and what doesn’t. Most importantly, the patient should recognize that changing anything related to their diet or exercise program should be supervised by a qualified medical professional to help ensure it doesn’t cause adverse reactions. This is especially true for patients with existing cardiovascular disease.

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